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March 29, 2023 Meeting Minutes - ESY


Updated: Aug 9, 2023

PALS Meeting Minutes

March 29, 2023 9:30 a.m.

Virtual Meeting using Zoom

Open Forum

Open Forum is an opportunity for participants to come together and discuss a variety of topics, offer resources, and ask questions related to special education.


Today we discuss the process and placement of ESY (Extend School Year services). When it comes to the process of determination it is important to remember, "There are seven factors, and no single factor can be used to determine eligibility for ESY services. The IEP team must consider all seven factors when determining eligibility. The student may be eligible by meeting just one of the criteria, but all seven factors must be considered by the IEP team."

Additionally, "The IEP team determines where ESY will be provided. It can be provided at many different places, like in school or at a job site. It is always provided in the least restrictive environment (LRE) that is appropriate for the student. This means that the student with disabilities is placed in a situation that allows opportunities to be with students who are not disabled. However, the school district, IU, or charter school is not required to assemble nondisabled students just to make the ESY environment less restrictive. ESY services can be provided in a noneducational setting if the IEP team determines that the student can receive appropriate ESY services in that setting."

"ESY services are provided in order that the student receives a free appropriate public education. Therefore, ESY services, including required special education and related services such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, or transportation, must be provided at no cost to the parent."

"If an LEA elects to provide ESY services in a nontraditional setting such as a community recreation program, the parent could be assessed a fee for the “recreational portion” of a program that is not required for provision of FAPE, consistent with the fee charged to the parent of any child in the program. However, an LEA would have to exercise caution that other service delivery options to provide ESY services are available for those parents who are unable or unwilling to assume the costs of the recreational program."

As it relates to FCASD, families have shared that the district has provided funds for outside ESY services for students. Families have also expressed that FCASD staff have told them they have never provided funds for outside ESY services. If your child has qualified for ESY and you do not believe the proposed district offerings are appropriate for your child speak up and an offer an alternative. Be prepared by providing documentation and data to support your ideas.

Writing Goals

We also discussed the importance of writing goals in IEPs for some students. It may seem that "typing" is the go-to response when inquiring about a writing goal involving the physical struggles of a student may face. Although typing is definitely an important skill for all and a necessity of some, giving the student a chance to learn the skill of handwriting is important. Here is a PaTTAN document on developing writing goals for IEPs. If you are struggling to obtain a writing goal for your child, whether it be for penmanship or process, using the "schools" language within your request can be beneficial.


Next Meeting: April 26 2023 9:30 a.m. Virtual Meeting using Zoom.

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All meetings will be held virtually until further notice.


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