High School Graduation Transition
FCAHS holds multiple transition meetings for all students throughout high school.
Stacy Dojonovic is the FCASD Transition Coordinator (extremely helpful)
There aren’t too many scholarships specifically for students with IEPs, however, you may find scholarships related to very specific diagnoses.
Students/Parents may find scholarships directly through the university they are enrolling in.
CCAC has scholarships available and has a good track record for providing services to students with IEPs.
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation counselor is available to students/parents at FCAHS one (1) day a week.
At the age of fourteen (14) IEP meetings begin to include goals working toward transition: 1. independent living, 2. continuing education 3. community service
Recreational Goals
Parent voiced concern about setting IEP recreational goals for child.
Researched a few articles:
Ten Related Services for an IEP you may not know about (great article)
Recreation Therapy: A Related Service in Special Education an Educational Guide for Parents
Recreational goals are also “in the law”. When you think there is something that would benefit your child identify a need and how it can be measured and present to the IEP Team.
EXAMPLE: Child expressed an interest in participating in the school play. Accomidations for set in place in the child’s IEP to ensure the child could participate. For instance the child was allowed to come in to school late during the week of the performances and turn in any homework assigned that week the following week.
District Forum
Multiple parents attended the recent DF information meeting about Keeping Students safe online.
Many parents wished that the district had spent some time discussing what software the students are actually using as a part of the iPad Program. Suggest such a meeting to the DF for a future meeting.
Daniel and Hayden: AspergerExperts.com
Two young men diagnosed with Asperger’s help people affected by Aspergers to understand themselves and the top success strategies in the world.
They created their website to teach others exactly what they did to get to where they are in life.
They post videos and also have a live call in portion. Join their e-mail list to receive updates on their call-in segments.
In Attendance
Stacy London, Sarah Nickel, Lisa Fisher, Marilyn Sheller, Doris Scott, Elizabeth Klamut, Lonnie Carey
Next PALS Meeting with Dr. Deborah Gilman discussing Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE) Wednesday, May 13, 2015 9:30a.m. Panera Bread: Waterworks Mall 933 Freeport Road Pittsburgh, PA 15238
#504 #IDEA #SpecialEducation #SpecialEduation #IndividualEducationProgram #504Plan #IEP #FoxChapelAreaSchoolDistrict #LearningChallenges #Aspergers #AspergerExperts #RecreationalGoals #RecreationTherapy #IEPAccommodations #IEPGoals #Goals #Accommodations #HighSchoolGraduation #HighSchoolTransition #SpecialEducationTransition #TransitionCoordinator