PALS Meeting Minutes
August 28, 2024 9:30 a.m.
Virtual Meeting using Zoom
Open Forum
Open Forum is an opportunity for participants to come together and discuss a variety of topics, offer resources, and ask questions related to special education.

Transitioning to Middle School
The transition to middle school can present challenges for students and their families. Inadequate communication during this period can make it seem as though there is no proper transition in place. The shift from a nurturing and supportive elementary school environment to the more distant and independent setting of middle school can be jarring for students and families.
To navigate this transition effectively, families can take proactive steps.
Each of your student's teachers are mandated to have a copy of your child's SDI section of their IEP in the classroom and utilize the SDIs as specified. You can also provide each teacher with a copy of the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP), focusing particularly on the Specific Learning Disabilities (SDIs). Send each an e-mail at the beginning of the year letting them know you want your child and them to have a great year and know the SDIs are an important part of making it happen.
Compile a list of the top five essential aspects about your child that you would like the teacher to be aware of, and encourage your child to do the same. This is a great icebreaker by giving the teacher an edge on some of your child's favorite things or habits the teacher may observe.
Enlisting the support of an Educational Advocate can be instrumental in ensuring a smooth transition and advocating for the student's needs effectively in this new setting. An Educational Advocate can be especially helpful during the IEP Transition Meeting that generally happens during the spring of the previous school year.
Preparation is key in the years before the transition to middle school. One thing parents can do is consider their child's executive functioning skills. The independent setting of middle school requires time management, oraginzation, planning, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. Sometimes student's need more assistance learning these skills than is offered to all. It is never too early to seek grade and age appropriate executive functioning Goals and SDIs in an IEP. If you believe your child is struggling with their executive functioning skills, name the struggles, collect the data, and present your concerns to the rest of your child's IEP Team. For some, SDIs may be all that is needed, for others in may be Goals. If you receive push back on wanting EF Goals and/or SDIs being placed in the IEP, request a reevaluation that includes Executive Functioning. Read more about the Executive Functioning discussions we've had in the past.
Siblings of Children with Disabilities
Next, we discussed the need for age appropriate support groups in the area for siblings of children with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses. Most sibling support groups are for older children and adult siblings. What about those who are younger?
After the meeting we did some research and have made some inquires. We will update this blog post ast responses come in. If you know of a sibling support group, regardless of age requirement, that you would like to recommend, please email PALS at
UPDATE: We found a program called Sibshops which is a part of the Sibling Support Project. Currently the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children is the only Sibshops facilitator in the Pittsburgh Area. The hold Sibshops meet-ups for times a year. The next meet-up is October 6, 2024.

Additionally, we found a two-day FREE Shibshops facilitator training through PaTTAN and a one-day paid virtual training.
New Look
Take a look around the recently redesigned website. Same great content with a fresh look.
Next Meeting: September 25, 2024 9:30 a.m. Virtual Meeting using Zoom.
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