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PALS April 1, 2020 Meeting - Dr. Deborah Gilman

PALS Meeting Minutes

April 1, 2020 9:30 a.m.

Virtual Meeting using Zoom

Coping Skills and Self Care with Dr. Deborah Gilman

Dr. Deborah Gilman, Licensed Psychologist, joined us to offer coping skills and self care tips. The following is a message from Dr. Gilman along with handouts for the meeting.

Dr. Gilman walked us through the following handouts as we worked to assess our personal stress levels and stress-care skills. You can find more information including how to help children through stressful situations, like COVID-19 on her website:


  • Aimed at personal growth and intended to stimulate insight to how one responds to stress, as well as "risk" factors that contribute to stress.

Double-click on the image below to enlarge, download, and print documents.


  • This is a list of individual coping strategies that people may already be doing (they rate 0-3) 

Double-click on the image below to enlarge, download, and print documents.


  • Dr. Gilman usually uses this with the self-care assessment and has people put into the wheel their coping responses; it helps to visualize where there are strengths and room for growth.

Double-click on the image below to enlarge, download, and print documents.


  • Compilation of Self-Care exercises to increase mindfulness, self-compassion, and common humility (the experience of being imperfectly human).

Double-click on the image below to enlarge, download, and print documents.

During this time, we will continue to host virtual meetings using Zoom EVERY Wednesday at 9:30 a.m.. We will post the log-in information for these meetings on our Facebook and Twitter accounts. THIS IS A PASSCODE PROTECTED MEETING. YOU MAY SUBSCRIBE TO OUR E-MAIL LIST TO RECEIVE IT.

Reference Material

Need information regarding the rights to special education in Pennsylvania? The Education Law Center’s “A Guide for Parents and Advocates” is a great start.

Next Meeting: April 15, 2020 9:30 a.m. Virtual Meeting using Zoom.

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